Saturday, 24 December 2016
Merry Christmas to all you wonderful people!
Wishing you all an amazing and glorious Christmas celebration. Hope you get all that you wish for!
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Poetry THE READY MIND by Akinyemi Abdul-Rahman
I live
In the nation of three
High regards for respect
Carved in their form of greetings
One prostrates
Peace be unto you, outers another
Highly respectful is the last
Their greetings, highly costly
But choose I is handshaking
In disguise of civilization
Respect and honour are banished
In the nation of three bigguns
Secrecy in there dressing
Decency in their appearances
Covered is their nudity
One chose wrapper
Another loves Iro, gele, torso and Buba
The last married
But, chose I is nakedness
In disguise of civilization
I think beauty is nudity
I forgot that moon and stars define beauty
In the night thay are
The Night is dark
Night is secret
In the nation of the exceptional three
With inimitable cultures
Gifted with unmatchable recipe
One brags pounded Yam
Another sings Yam
Tuwo cries the last
Unharmful they are
Strength, vitamin, calcium and identity they give
In the name of civilization, chose I
Harmful substance
Of which origin is unknown to me
Its demerits outscore merits
Foolish me
In the nation of three buildings
With charming, attractive doors
Gorgeousness in their keys
Languages are these keys, with other attachments
Wisdom in Yoruba
Confidence in Hausa-Fulani
Strength in Igbo
Greatness they all form
Again, I chose civilization
Local I call these keys and the users
I embraced the one that,
Enemity manifests in young minds from its use
Because, fun we make from mistakes
self-confidence it kills, self-esteem it buries
In the nation of three streets
Unity in their occupations, agriculture it is
Lessons and morals in their entertainments
History in their artefacts
Uniqueness in their talents
Preventive are their beliefs
Sacred are their religions
But, chose I, civilization
I call, their uncomparable gifts,
barbaruos profession, superstitious beliefs
outdated form of entertainment, profane religion
All in the name of Civilization
My culture I should promote
My language should be first
My entertainment should be sole
Lies in it are morals, lessons and funs
Now I know
Great streets, South, North and East
Elegant cultures
Classy people, with purified colour
Civilization is nothing, but
Imposition of developed culture
Growth is general
I am ready to develop mine.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Poetry; Lost Friend by Faruq Alli
This deep craving within,
to interact and live lovingly,
what is sought is not peace nor quiet,
but the mob feeding on their happiness diet,
memories of friends long gone,
brought back by friendships just began,
joy and sorrow mixed together,
as I remember the days which were much better,
and then comes the end,
and life takes away your friends,
all you have left are memories and pleasant thoughts,
what glee to life friend have brought,
such glee in life that can never be bought.
Faruq Alli
Poetry; Childish Fantasies by Faruq Alli
In this realm of childish fantasies
we fool ourselves with treasure maps
ships and golden compasses
our true purpose and aims long forgotten
our ethics and morals dead and rotten
our very own destruction
is but our own imagination
if only we could again be conscious
and leave this dream state where all is dubious
for every goal gotten
another is forgotten
but somewhere deep down lies the truth we all wish found
Faruq Alli
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
This Day at Law
Balfour Declaration issued
Congress set minimum federal sentences for drug offenders(USA)
Today in History
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Monday, 25 July 2016
Poetry: SERVANT THAT RULES by Akinyemi Abdul-Rahman
I have to walk the street,
Enriched in natural, financial and human resources,
Yet, the south has little penny,
Families are farm less,
Individuals are seedless,
Poverty reigns, verily south is rich less,
Backward I turn
North face I
Water is not their pal
Sound education is their pen pal
South is demand, north is supply
But, occur not is the transaction, because
South is roadless, north is railess
The street is marketless
Sadness embraces me
That, our servants are now rulers
We were told we would be served
But in arbitrariness they rule
Street resources are exploited to their full
Ruling servants, serving Masters
Dictating is their habit
Embezzlement is what they fulfil
Hardship is their act
Growth they harm
Development they kill
Happiness of the masters they bury
In poverty we masters serve
Forget not!
Among you were, servants that
Served, sound education as food
Served, suitable transportation system as snacks
Served, large scale agriculture as drinks
Served, favourable employment opportunities as water
Served, pleasant pleasing street that you pollute
In the name of RULE
Remember, that
With us is time, tick it does
With us is pen and ink
Write we can, your destiny
With us is the calculator
Your figure, we summate
Us is mast, you is sail
Needed is the mast to support the sail
Us is the electorate, you is the elected
Upon you I call
The time keeper I am
Present is time
Past not it
Let your predecessors be your model
Your masters be your served
Remember, the time is present
Time is not past.
Poetry: My country by Barakat Akanbi
Why celebrate independence when we are still parasitive;
Why celebrate corrupt leaders,
Should these be called Illiteracy, Ignorance or primitiveness;
And we call ourselves the Giant of Africa,
OH My Nation!
Saturday, 23 July 2016
Fashion : ZKmudd Collection ......A style for every story

Wednesday, 20 July 2016
NIGERIA TODAY by Laaro Zainab
My country, Nigeria today is bereft of truth. Falsehood and its agents are apparently in control of her affairs. There is celebration of falsehood and banishing of truth. For the fear of castigation, majority hibernate in their shells instead of telling or supporting the truth.
The contemporary world within its so-called globalised context is a caricature of numerous maladies, which has spread to almost every aspects of its being. Moral laxity, intellectual paralysis, injustice and nepotism, duality of standards, exploitation and corruption, ignorance and arrogance, poverty and diseases, insecurity and discord, have continued to ignite volcanic wars into our country. Nigeria has become an ocean where the bigger fishes feed on smaller ones. Humanity had gotten divided into small compartments of race, blood and geography. This has culminated into geography or terrorism of geography.
How do you account for innocent souls that are wasted to plane crashes, accidents and collapsed buildings? How do you explain the high infant and maternal mortalities in the midst of abundant resources and squandering of same on elephant projects? Nigeria leaders are busy killing and shooting flies with guns, sending out health officers to drive out worms only to spray snakes as collaterals. Human rights have become otherwise. Terrorism is defying all security networks and their officers. Days are earmarked to commemorate great events or people only to empty the treasury and pay lip services. For years, we have celebrated children's day, mother's day, teacher's day, independence day and the likes only to have more victims of war, malnutrition, unemployment, unpaid and delayed salaries, strike, motherless and homeless children, widows languishing in agony, child trafficking, child labour, oppresssion and victimization.
Our institutions are becoming wonderlands. The unheared of and the unprecedented are becoming the norms. Contrary to their being citadels of learning, they are becoming citadels of promiscuity. The academic concerns of our great citadels of learning have given way to a lot of unpalatable developments. The worst of which are cultism, indecent dressing, armed robbery amongst many others. It has got to a point that most parents can't predict their children's personalities once they graduate from higher institutions. Cultism has been taken to secondary schools. Age is no longer a barrier for perpetration of vice in Nigeria today.
Things are fast changing and falling apart. The guides are the blind, the judges are the deaf, the Attorneys are the dumb. What an end time! Poverty and hunger have become bedfellows. Bodies can no longer sustain the souls. Things hardly heared of in the past have become the fad. The soul of man have become dry. Brains of scholars are draining. War continues to aim its bullets. Peace is elusive and evasive. Man now seek peace in waywardness. Even the religionists who should be closest to God are dangling between spiritual squalor and moral laxity. Gone are those days when musicians sang and it made a little sense. Alas! Watch out for the so-called music and songs today, apart from being desolate in meaning; they also echo immorality. They calm man into forlorn fulfilment. What hitherto, was considered morally sacrosant is now sacrilegious.
Young girls have taken over the stage to advertise nudity. All kinds of beauty contests at different levels have been put in place to promote indecent dressing. The more romantic or indecently a lady can portray herself in acting or modelling, the more she impresses and as a result, becomes acceptable. The trend in fashion today reveals that the culture of nudity has become a global phenomenon, tearing the fabric of moral values, social order, cultural independence and intellectual horizon. The religious sphere has been entangled in this labyrinth of indecent dressing. It is nothing but an abuse of womanwood for matured ladies and women to appear in public wearing transparent and skimpy tight fitting dresses. It is an affront on womanhood. It is a gateway to promiscuity and it confirms our moral depravity.
> As Nigeria is making seemingly ceaseless sojourn towards its waterloo manifesting in its flagrant infringement of the divine orders and natural laws, ideological depravity, moral decadence, spiritual stagnation, political turbulence, social disorder, and cultural crises, there is need for a new HORIZON.
> An horrizon of positive change in attitudes
> An horrizon of academic excellence
> An horrizon of intellectual supremacy
> An horrizon of moral perfection
> An horrizon of awakening the dying souls.
> There is hope in our NEW HORIZON.
Laaro Zainab
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
DRUG ABUSE by Abdul-Hakeem Atanda
Monday, 18 July 2016
Poetry: A CRESTED AMBITION by Faruk Abubakar Yamah
A minister in the temple of justice.
Couched in jenteel
Elegant and stylish
Portryed in those expensive suit
I have love for your brogue feet,
And that rope across your chest.
To the feragamo holding your trousers.
Your trousers;form a catacomb
That ends above the ankles
Showing colourfull your socks
Is it your personality I love most
Or the way you fight
Using polished words to defeat each other
I have always looked at you
Like a man looks at his wife in labour
Desperate! anxious!
I have grown itchy hands
And long legs
I no longer ask when I will be there
Or when I will be you
I am ready indeed
For you are crested on my heart.
Faruk A. Yamah
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Poetry ; CHILDHOOD by Ajibaye Qusamat and Abdul-Rahman Akinyemi
Poetry: MOSQUITO LOVE by Taofeek Ogunleye
Her looks were yellow as gold;
Her skin was as white as leprosy,
The night-mare LIFE-IN-DEATH was she,
Who thicks man's blood with cold.
And in this mosquito our two bloods mingled in it.
This mosquito is you I and our marriage bed.
OH! She's stubborn due to all her actions in response to his romantic advancement.
Of my lover who feels no emotion,
She's truly in love but does not know how to express it,
Because of the fear of parent and fear of unknown.
Even if it's very hard.
Ogunleye Taofeek
Poetry: BRAVE IT UP by Qusamat Ajibaye
we want a change,
I have always wanted to speak,
Speak on behalf of them,
I wish we could all sit and think,
I wish we could all see what I see but I know we
do but chooses to ignore:
My heart cannot take it no more,
Am tired of having pity them without a way out,
Am tired of working pass them everyday and
giving them alms,
It's a shame for me and stepping them like
Am tired of acting with a brave heart full of
I wish we could put our efforts too,
Just take a look behind and see,
They might seems so worthless but thousands of
them die day by day :
I wish we all had the fear of God,mother nature
has blessed us with more than enough, please do
let it reach us,
We beg for our right,
The wretched, unprivileged, unacknowledged,
They all want to live a life.
We pack up your wrong doings, do worship us as
We make ways for you do bless us with the
We lifted you with our emotional heart. Stop
making it a dead heart,
We want to speak up,
We want to be considered as humans,
We want to make use of the marvellous,
We want to impact on the economy,
We are behind you when happiness and joy runs
in you but you come running to us in pain and
You have left overs the poor are pleading to
You choose where and how you live your lives,
when we are still struggling under the bridge.,
You live a life worth a thousand wretch.
I wish I could speak out louder,
We aren't going no where,
Life isn't for eternity but you live as if it is,
Life has enough to offer,
We have a way out, I have a way out
Bring back our unconditional motherly love
bestowed on us.
I wish we could all speak up
I wish we would be free to live right,
I wish I would be the speaker,
Speaking on behalf of them,
We want no war,
I wish to make the change,
It tears my heart to wake up and meet the same
old shit...
Brave it up
Friday, 15 July 2016
Poetry:Death by Barakat Jummai Akanbi
All of my life i have learnt to play alone as a child
I had no friends but i wished i did
As a child i never seemed to understand these questions
Why do we spend much on taking good care of our bodies?
Which would serve as food to the termites in grave
Why do some people feel the need to be frugal as though they would take all their belongings to heaven?
Why couldn't there be an exception of death on a particular person in the world?
I eventually met you and u were the best thing that happened to me
You were more like a sister:
When i thought i was out of this lonely world
Death took you away
I know tears won't bring you back but i don't seem to understand why you showed up the dime minute of your life
I think of you in silence but all i have left are memories of you
Wouldn't it have been better if we never met i thought
I guess that's me being selfish,because death on the other side is a beautiful thing created by God and all that live will eventually pass through it
I know death took you away but you aren't dead because once you die and you are forgotten you are "Dead" but once you die and you are not forgotten death only took you away but you are not dead:
You Will Always Be Remembered!!!.
Thursday, 14 July 2016
The Al-Hikmah .LSS blog now has over a thousand views. We're really grateful to everyone ,those who sent in articles, and most importanttly, the readers.Once again thank you very much.
God bless you all, God bless the LSS
Poetry : STRANGE FRIEND by Eleja Abdul-Rahman
Do u ever wonder
Looking at the sky
What lies beyond
Beyond the illumine of the day
And the dimness of the night
Do u ever wonder
When U will pay d ultimate debt
To the strange famous friend
A friend who does not need invitation
A friend who cannot be bribed
Do u ever wonder
When will he come
How will he meet me
How will I leave when the destroyer of pleasure
Comes to take me with him
Eleja Abdul-Rahman
Poetry: BROKEN by Barakat Akannbi
Those thoughts ,feelings,illussions,dreams,
Well i guess they were all dreams,
You've forgotten I'm also human and cant keep pretending it'sall good whereas its not,
Those doings,well i doubt i can forgive you,
I guess few will only understand,
how it feels to trust someone who betrayed,
deceived and rejected one,
I still doubt there's a place in my heart left for you because,
the part of me that loved you is ...........GONE.
Barakat Akannbi
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Campus cohabitation:A moral deterioration in Nigeria Universities by Laaro Zainab
Although freedom is a must have for undergraduate students, it is saddening that this has created an avenue for extreme cultural imperialism in the students thereby displacing the ever cherished African tradition that disallows female children to have intimate relationship with males that they are not married to. This situation has led to an increasing rate of devaluation of the proper concept of morality among youths. This freedom is today highly exhibited by youths who rather feel at liberty to visit and sleep in their partner's room without the common fear of being seen by their parents. This unsafe act has however been taken to another level of freedom extremist as many of the campus students today prefer to live with their partners while in school.
The reason why students cohabit are not far fetched. Some students who agree to have their minds on the issue said it is by living together that the so called couples get to know if they are compatible or not. This they say is the reason why they take the period of living together as the period of testing their compatibility. While some cohabiting students find it difficult to live apart from their partners because of the strong physical intimacy between them and the addictive prowess of sex over them make them confuse love for sex. They begin to use sex as a way of convincing themselves that the relationship is moving fine. Instead of the sexual act being a life-given act of mutual love, it is becoming a life-drawing and self-abuse of the other partner. Many a times, the need for companionship and fear of loneliness becomes so strong among students that they begin to think they cannot wait for marriage before living together. This eventually leads to insecurity especially on the part of the ladies. Say NO to cohabitation because you will spare yourself the pain and grief of finding out that you were being used rather than loved. It is hundred percent possible for one to have sex with you and not love you.
Why are we going against God? Why are we doing this to ourselves? Do you ever think of how your parents will feel when they hear the child they are labouring so much for and having high hopes in is living with an opposite sex or they get to know such child is pregnant or has undergone an abortion? How will you feel when the guy you call your boyfriend use you for reference?
It is becoming quiet worrisome that students who live as husband and wife get unwanted pregnancies and other related implications especially with the acceptance of artificial contraceptives. The trend is more encouraged and the possibilities of getting pregnant is no longer deterent. Even when pregnancies occur, they get rid of it by all means. Recently a 'couple' living together in one of the campus lodges in federal polythecnic, Bida, had a baby and lost the baby due to their inability to cater for the baby financially. Although it is very possible that campus relationship leads to marriage, think about how many of such relationships end in marriage. Instead, its a story of one heartbreak or the other. The crux of the matter is that most campus cohabitation end on campus.
Cohabitation is now becoming one of Nigerian's favourite subject. One hears jokes about it from students and we see it in movies. Cohabitation and sex has been identified as the only means used to improve their love towards each other. On the other hand, someone who is guarding her chastity and insist on having sex only with the person she is legally married to is seen as a religious fanatic.
Cohabitation has so many disadvantages on us ladies. It is better for us to have the best qualities of a beatiful woman in order to have men come after us and not for us to go after them. A beautiful woman is a woman with respect, love, kindness, a woman with ego, who knows when to drop it and when to keep it high. A woman with charisma, who can sustain her personality, who knows how to acquire what she desires without throwing virtue, grace and personality at the feet of unworthy adversaries. A woman who is filled with excellence and it radiates like a million stars from her eyes, women whose intelligence baffles and attracts many, who positively affect people morally, socially, academically, as well as psychologically cannot cohabit with a student like her in the name of love. I have seen relationships without cohabitation and sex and its moving with respect and love.
We need to put our heads and hearts together to think and make the right decisions that will make our lives better. Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean it is right. The anthem of hell is everyone is doing it. My dear! Watch it, everyone is not heading to hell.
THE BAT by Molayo Taofeek
He sat outside watching the globe
Thinking on how to make the world a free world
For us, we watch them walk in group when its dusk
Still there is peace, they move freely
Because they believe nothing dreadful
Would happen to them
Life is boring and rife
Nigga's of Nigeria, all you think,
Day and night is about our world
Becoming so precarious and dreadful
we don't have to capitalise so much on it
Because life is too dull
Physical contest as now become a
Rife thing on earth
Sumptuos things as become some people's happiness
While people like them live in shanties
We need to corroborate to make the world a better one.
Taofeek Ogunleye
Poetry: FOUNDATION by Akinyemi Abdul-Rahman
Where am I?
Am in the farm
With matchet, knife and gun
Persons are my plants
Compliance is what I cultivate
Opposition is weed and
I am the herbicide
My markets are the influentials
I clear, cut, sow and reap for them
With cutlass, knives, chemicals and guns
Market would have been market
If crops were my plants
If weeds were grass and pests
If herbicide is provided for
By my representatives
Along with pesticides and
Good education as the compliment
Education is understanding
Understanding is communication
Perfect communication promotes Order
Who am I?
I am the foundation
I am the youth
Where am I?
Am in the four corners of the room
Education is my door
Book is my key
But drug is my latern
Porn is all I read
Stealing is my assignmment
Fraud is my pen
Lies in my jar, as ink they serve
Casual sex is my reading equipment
My key should always be my book
lantern is mine, is it my goals?
Church should be my pen
If mosque is nothing but my ink
Success will be all I read
Who am I?
I am the foundation
I am the youth
Where am I?
Am in my couch, there I wonder
I wonder why?
SERVE is all I do
PLEASE my food
TEARS my drink
REGRET my plate
VANITY my cutlaries
In couch I wonder, REST I don't
In couch I wonder, LEAD I don't
In couch I wonder, TAKE I don't
In couch I wonder, REGRET and PAIN I do
Who am I?
I am the building
I am the aged
The foundation I was
Youth was I
" why " is all I have
All I have should be what " I don't "
What I don't brings my " why "
My foundation was bad
My youth was awful
So, in vain my building is
Oh builders
Oh engineers
Oh contractors
Upon you all I call
For your building to be better
Your foundation should be good
Then, " BEST " lies in your roof.
Akinyemi Abdul-Rahman
Monday, 11 July 2016
Maiden Inauguration Ceremony of The Law Students Society Al-Hikmah university, Ilorin chapter 3
Maiden Inauguration Ceremony of The Law Students Society Al-Hikmah university, Ilorin chapter 2
The Presidents Inaugural Speech
Salam Alaikum i do not intend to waste the time of our revered guests i crave the indulgence of everyone to stand on the existing protocols it is with great pleasure i welcome you all to this august ocassion the first of its kind in this institution,standing on this ground today with the mandate to rule is a honor, today marks the begining of an era, the beginning of a journey.The LSS is a society based on 5 objectives. promote the good name of the college and to cherish and uphold the tradition of the legal profession liase with the appropraite authourity,as well as other bodies within the legal profession when the need arises with the aim of catering for the welfare of the law students enhance cooperation through programs with educational bodies, legal institutions in order to broaden horizon of members promote the spirit of accountability and probity in members. Ladies and gentlemen ill like to use this medium to appreciate the institution for providing us with the best of infrastructures to enable us achieve our dream of becoming great lawyers from our well furnished hostels to our erudite lecturers but there is always room for improvement especially in the area of transportation as we have been faced with the rigours of trekking under the scorching sun to the main campus when we have lectures also most of all are spending half of our monthly allowances on transportation alone, we hope the school will provide us with buses that will convey us whenever we have lectures, Rome was not built in a day they say, it was built daily our dreams, aspirations,destinies as l.s.s might not all come afore in one day but every passing day brick by brick we build our rome in Al hikmah University ilorin,Those who elected us and those who did not,the destiny of our university stands on working answering the questions of our time. Today i have been given authority over you and I am not the best of you if i do well,help me and if i do wrong set me right. Our sincere appreciation goes to the invited guests representatives of Unilorin CAILS and most importantly the guest speaker Hon justice Akanbi and the chairman the chief judge of Kwar Hon justice S.D kawu, we pray Allah rewards you abaundantly. GOD bless you all God bless the LSS God bless Al hikmah God bless Nigeria
Abdul-Hakeem Atanda
Maiden Inauguration Ceremony of The Law Students Society Al-Hikmah university, Ilorin chapter 1
The maiden inauguration ceremony of the Law Students Society, Al-Hikmah University,Ilorin Chapter took place on Tuesday 10th May 2016.
It also marked the beginning of Abdul-Hakeem Atanda's tenure as the pioneer president of the LSS Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin chapter.The college of law declared 10th May 2016 as a lecture free day.
On the 9th April 2016 , The Society conducted elections to elect members of the Executive council.
Abdul-Hakeem Atanda ran for president unopposed, and having satisfied the constitutional requirements, he was declared the winner of the election.
The other newly elected members of the executive council of the society are:
Nailat Jummai Al-Hassan - Vice-president
Ahmad Mahmud Ibrahim - Secretary-general
Ganiyat Abdul-Raheem - Assistant Secretary-general
Muhammad Mikailu - Financial Secretary
Sadiqa. Sambo - Treasurer
Faruk Abubakar Yamah - Social Director
Habibat Omotayo Mustapha - Welfare Director
Abdul-Mumeen Sadiq Gegele - PRO
Suleiman Muhammad Mansur - Sports Director .
The official Swearing-in-Ceremony took place at .Muhasi Fast Food, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin from 0900 hours.
Barrister Mustapha of the Private and Business. Law department administered the oath of office taken by the President elect Abdul-Hakeem Atanda, and the president after taking his oath of office administered the oath on the other members of the executive council.
Sunday, 10 July 2016
Poetry: GAY GIRL by Akinyemi Abdul-Rahman
Stare Stare, she does.
She looks for reasons to be gay
Night is for sleep
Night is peace and time for natural therapy
So not is the day
But for discrimination the color receives
Night is the day
Bang Bang, the gun sings
Arms are now umbrellas
Persons is the rain
Mama, Mama
Mama, when is the day?
That there will be enough water
Mama, When is the day?
That we will have leftovers
That sun will light the market
That there will be sleep
Mama, Mama
She holler
The voice is gone
The body responds, NO NO
The day is not today
The night is still not for sleep
The night is dark, dark is black
For disregard they give the color
Sleep is far away until it stops
The disregard for black, which the IT is.
Long reign peace, long reign black
For beauty is in the moon
The moon is in the night
The night has black
Black is beauty
Black is peace
Black is sex
She blinks
Finally, she has reasons to be gay
Because the night is day
The night is black
She is black
The day will come one day
Black will reign
She will reign
Blacks have nothing but to be GAY.
Akinyemi Abdul-Rahman
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Poetry: WOMEN by Abdul-Hakeem Atanda
we men wonder where their secret lies
in their beautiful eyes
or curl of their lips
or maybe reach of their arms
i think its in the stride of their steps
because as they walk into a room filled with men
even the mighty starts to tremble
the tall ones fall to their knees
and the brave fall to their feets
the professional swing of her waist
gets our tongue wagging
we wonder what we see in them
we've tried so much
but we can't see beyond the beauty
even as they try to show us
we still can't see
the pain behind the laughter
the tears behind those smiles
the thorn beneath the heels
the scar under the braid
and the bruises behind the make up
yet they still fight like the world is a battlefield
they work like they were men
love like they were babies
they have the gentility of a dove and the might of a lion
they wipe tears but their’s never get wiped
they face everyone's problems no one knows when they have theirs
they get broken still they don't break
and yet we never see them fall apart
it's in the tenderness of their skins
warmth of their hugs
love from their kisses
prayers from their lips
meals from their pots
our survival lies.
if asked who my favourite superhero was
i would say a woman...
Abdul-Hakeem Atanda